Andy and Emily had their wedding in their backyard in Lawrence, Kansas. They bought the house together. Once covid hit, they decided to slash the guest list and move the wedding to their backyard.
A quick backstory so the rest of this makes more sense, my husband has known Andy since high school. We are friends with them through that, and through our mutual friends, Abby and Colyn. Okay, here we go.
The week and months leading up to their wedding was challenge after challenge. Obviously, challenge number one is covid. Andy works in a hospital and sees the effects daily, so it was no question for them to change their plans to keep their loved ones safe. Then, the Wednesday before the wedding, their basement floods. As if that wouldn’t be stressful enough, trying to have a wedding at your house and it basically laughs at you. As the final kicker, on the day of the wedding their dog, Frida, escaped. Their wedding planner was carrying her back inside as I arrived, having just chased her 10 blocks. Talk about above and beyond!
After Frida’s freedom romp, she started acting a little sick. She proceeded to throw up SEVEN times. And it was a lot each time. At first, my second shooter, the maid of honor and myself tried to keep it from the couple so they could enjoy their day. My second, Erin, is a rockstar and cleaned up the throw up. We moved Frida into a more shaded corner of the room and covered the area with blankets in case it happened again. Thank goodness…it happened a lot.
It became concerning so we had to let the bride know what was happening. They decided it was best to take her to the emergency vet, but all of the people they would ask to take her for them were at the wedding and wouldn’t want to miss it. I ended up calling my husband to come help, on his one day off. He drove 45 minutes to pick Frida up, drove another 45 minutes to the closest Emergency Vet, waited while Frida was looked at, drove her back home and then drove home himself. So here is my public THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to my wonderful husband for saving the day!
Frida is okay! The vet ran tests and did an ultrasound to make sure she didn’t ingest something too big, everything came back clear. He said she likely got into something when she escaped and successfully threw it up. She got to live on a boiled chicken and rice diet for a week, and now it’s just a crazy story about a wedding day!
The actual wedding was beautiful. Andy and Emily handled all these challenges so well, just gliding through knowing at the end they would finally be married. That’s honestly the true take-away from all of this. No matter what happens, at the end of the day you will marry your best friend and it will be perfect.
2024 Caitlyn Cloud
Design by Caitlyn Cloud Designs
Kansas City Wedding Photographer
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